
JCC is a translation company specializing in automobiles, motorbikes and machinery.

TEL. 03-5308-5088

3-5-1-204 Honcho Nakano-ku
Tokyo 164-0012 Japan


Frequently asked questions

Q.How are the translated pages calculated?

A.In English into Japanese translation, a single page is calculated as 400 Japanese words in the translated manuscript. While the situation may differ with the manuscript, about 130 English words are equivalent to 400 Japanese words.
In Japanese into English translation a single page would consist of 200 English words of the translated manuscript. While the situation may differ with the manuscript, about 400 Japanese words are equivalent to 200 English words.

Q.Is it possible to receive an estimate?

A.An estimate will be issued if you contact us by telephone or e-mail and send us the manuscript.

Q.Is it possible to obtain a trial translation?

A.A trial translation will be provided free of charge if the manuscript is voluminous (more than 100 translated pages) and there is a need to verify quality and terminology beforehand. However, please limit the sample translation to two to three translated pages.

Q.We would like to have the translation directly printed over the Word, Excel or PowerPoint files.

A.If the contents are simple, the translation will be written directly over the original script in the case the manuscripts are in Word or Excel form. There will be separate charges if the layouts are complicated or written as PowerPoint data. Please contact us for the translation amount as it would differ in accordance with the degree of difficulty in editing.

Q.We would like to have the manuscript translated by using TRADOS.

A.It is possible to deliver the manuscript in bilingual form using TRADOS, or together with the Translation Memory (TM) created during translation. Naturally, there will be no expenses involve. This, however, is applicable for data (RTF file, etc.) form which allows the usage of TRADOS. However, please understand that this service may not be available depending on the contents of the translation if the translator does not use TRADOS.
